Friday, March 11, 2011

And so it begins...

This will be my last night in the U.S. for 6 weeks!  I'm not looking forward to the flights to Saboba.  It will take 3 days before I finally arrive at the mission.  I leave for Ghana tomorrow morning and I'll arrive in the capital city, Accra, on Sunday morning.  After spending the night at a Baptist mission house in Accra, I will board a plane on Monday morning to fly to Tamale.  From there someone from the mission will pick me up to drive to Saboba. 

I'll admit I'm a little intimidated by the thought of what I may face at the hospital.  I'm so used to having all of the latest technology and medicines.  I have also been spoiled when it comes to working with great nurses and supporting staff.  I'm taking several small reference books with me and I have reviewed diseases such as typhoid, malaria, and parasitic diseases.  Although I have spent time studying this month, in no way shape or form do I feel ready to face this task. 

I pray that I will be a help instead of a hindrance to the doctor and supporting staff at the hospital.  My goal is to learn as much as possible from them and I hope that I will have the chance to teach them a little in return.  And as always, I pray that God will use me for a greater purpose.

And the journey begins...

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